by Bro. Elijah E. Abanto
Let's have a break. For one Sunday let's not discuss any other topic. Let's talk about this ministry. The paper ministry. The CYPA Ministries Paper. I have something to tell you about it.
The idea of a paper ministry started in June 2007, when I happen to publish a paper for the YP-the title of the publication was Milestone. I remember that it was printed at P5, just one copy, then the xerox was 50 ¢ per piece-obviously not a good copy. And taking out from my pocket, it stopped eventually because I do not have money. I had not talked to the Lord about it. Printing was forgotten by me then.
Not until August 2007, when I thought to make simple paper activity for students in my Good News class, and later for my Sunday School class, when I took over the Children's Ministry from my brother Israel that the idea of printing became alive again in my mind. I was already a Bible student at that time. This time I decided that by hook or by crook there would be a paper for children. I first printed the original in the Seminary, paying P2 per copy to Sis. Abigail, my sister, when she was still the Bookkeeper of the Bible School. I had some money then because the Eberts provided work. So it continued for months, but the idea of CYPA Paper Ministries has gradually been generated only in my mind little by little.
Then came November. Many concerns, I think, were brought to me by God: Can they remember all what was said in the preaching? Do they have something to hold on for the rest of the week that they have learned? How about the different issues in life that they do not know how to answer, and not yet preached? How can I share what I know to these people? All these questions were rotating in my mind during the first week of the month.
By the second week of November, Saturday probably, I talked to my father (pastor) and Mommy about the burden in my heart. They agreed about it, then we prayed for it, and by next week, I made preparations for the commencement of the ministry. First of all I went to my fellows at the Bible school (classmates and teachers) if they could help me to start this ministry. They agreed to give some money every month (people that I haven't forgotten until now), to whom I give thanks, really. That evening (Tuesday maybe), I went to the office of the Seminary, and asked for the Eberts' help, and guess what--they promised to help with the printing! They have also given me advice that led to my severals decisions about the Paper Ministry. By November 18, 2007, the paper ministry was born.
The ministry published many papers at first, but gradually because it lost its supporters (except the Eberts) by March 2008, they decreased rapidly, except the Good News papers, Sunday School papers, and the paper which had a similar format as the BDJ. Besides, no CBBC members had supported the paper ministry back then--all were outside help. Maybe by April, I became desperate to seek support from the church. Thankfully, there were some who responded to the plea, and coupled with the Seminary's help, the ministry of paper went on. The supports even got better when we began an online ministry for the paper. The ministry published by e-mail to our different brothers abroad, and the notable following gave considerable amounts in the ministry paper enough to carry on the ministry for months: the Ping family, Christian Vicuña, the Manalo family, and Sarah Cortez. The support from members did not stop, although it was relatively small. The most regular supporters were Sis. Lota Cabading and the Prado family. Support also came for some time from the Biago family, and also from the members' children became my fruits to the Lord like Jhon, Jisilyn, Lovely, and Clifford. I saw the potential of members to support with large amounts on the 1st anniversary of the paper, where the ministry received P666.00 (quite a number!) just from them! Along with those who gave were Sis. Merielen Cubol (a new member at that time), Bro. Jerome Pagiwan (my fruit to the Lord), and Sis. Ella May Calderon (she has always assisted me with this ministry). On the 3rd anniversary of the church, the guest speaker also gave to the paper ministry: Pastor Ruben Belmonte, when he received a BD that Sunday. I was encouraged to continue. Then I was also planning to become independent of the Eberts' printing support. On Thanksgiving Thursday, Pastor Charlie Ravago, one of the supporters of Capitol, commended the Paper Ministry.
But 2009 did not make a happy welcome for it. By March, we were already struggling to continue the ministry, but thank God my parents took the burden of some costs. Also by April, CYPA stopped the print assistance of the Eberts, several weeks before the resignation of my sister from the Seminary. By the beginning of July, Pastor Charlie Ravago provided assistance with his church that will supply the Paper Ministry up until the end of this month, I think.
The BDJ online ministry also blessed the increasing number of receivers via e-mail (and also sparking controversies among BBF pastors in the Philippines), notably those missionaries who now for the third time are receiving BDJ. Blessings of God to the ministry and its appointed young man who is not worthy and adequate for the job (it's me). And up until now, despite hardships and discouragements, CYPA is still going, and the paper you are reading now is just one of the thousands of publications that it has published for almost 2 years. To think that the papers were not paid for and to think that it only depends on the offerings coming from those who are blessed by it. There was only one commitment for raising the paper ministry, and this is for an important program, Operation Go, and it only costed P100+. Perhaps it was really God's will that CYPA Paper Ministries started.
By the way, the CYPA story doesn't end here. Next week BDJ is back-to-work as usual--articles that will challenge, inspire, motivate, inform also; plus, children's papers such as the CSA/YCSA, CBT/YCBT, CSS/YCSS and CSP; Operation Go Trainee's Guide and Jerusalem Factor, Discipleship Lessons will also continue--besides, CYPA has always done it, right?
We hope that you will also become a part of this ministry.