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This blog is an online ministry of Capitol Bible Baptist Church, Tanza, Cavite, Philippines. You can visit our church's website: www.capitolbiblebaptist.multiply.com.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who Can Only Be the Doers?

by Bishop Felizardo D. Abantopastor2

James 1:22--

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only…”

Only born-again Christians can be the doers of the Word of God. There is a person who said, “I’m not interested with the breed but with the deed.” But the Bible says that the deed depends upon the breed. The tree is known by its fruit (Matthew 7:7). If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and speaks like a duck, then it must be a duck. True Baptists live like the true Baptists. I like the name “Baptist” and I’m proud of this name. Baptists do good, look good, and feel good. They love Jesus Christ. They support His work. They may be far, but they are still concerned about this. I love them. Apostle Paul mentioned to the Philippian Christians (4:18),

“the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.”

If our ministry is separated from God and from the doers of the Word, it will die. We appreciate them enough and fast for them and pray to God that He will bless more abundantly.

Mr. Randy David, host of a television program said, “As a scientist of the society we are not interested in what religion you are in, but on what good you are causing to the society.” Wrong again. Your philosophy depends upon your theology. Out of Jesus Christ there is no one capable of imparting good to mankind. Like Israel at the time of the Divided Kingdom, of the 19 rulers, no one reigned rightly in the Northern Kingdom because all of them are worshipping gods. You may say you believe in God or not, but if you are not a true believer of Jesus Christ you cannot do anything good (Romans 3:12). That is the reason why they who profess that they are Christians ay commanded to doers of the Word and not just hearers. Their actions signify their words, and their breed.

Translated by Bro. Elijah Abanto from the article “Sino Lang ang Magiging Tagatupad?” originally published in Baptist’s Digest 18, (Volume 1) May 11, 2008, p. 4.

Moral Purity (Part 2)

Women’s Clothing Has a Big Part on ThisMommy Beautiful

by Sis. Olivia E. Abanto

As a continuation of my topic about moral purity, we have seen that it is still important even in the age that they call “modern” because the basis of beliefs and practices is the Word of God that never changes or is bound by the advance of the times. The Bible and the God of the Bible are the greatest reasons we must stand for Moral Purity.

Women, young or old they may be, have a great part in protecting moral purity. What I’m referring to is the aspect of their clothing. It has a message to give to anyone who looks. Clothing dictates what we do. The thin or comfortable clothes are usually for sleeping, gowns for wedding, collotes and tee-shirts for sports, dress for worship—meaning that words are unnecessary to understand what we want to do. We should be careful on what message our clothes say to those who sees our outfit. Many relations between the young man and the young woman can’t be kept morally pure and one reason is because the man was tempted by his frequent visits to his girlfriend who wore shorts or sleeveless shirt. Usually, women who were raped or harassed had their clothing as reason. Only one pull from the knot of her blouse or short and she is naked already. One pastor even said, “Ladies, help us to become spiritual, dress right!” There is a saying “Don’t display what is not for sale!”

Let us make God’s Word our guide for us to dress modestly, with shamefacedness and sobriety. Don’t show off the sensitive parts of our womanhood, like breasts, waists or legs. This is because these are where the attention of men are caught. We must be determined that only the man God gave us (or will give us) will be able to see the things no other man ought to see, in other words the nakedness of each other.

It’s important to see our testimony on this aspect of our being Christians. I remember that this (moral purity) was the greatest reason of God to decide to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, even the building of the ark, because the imagination of every man was only evil and filthy.

Let us be part of the reason why God doesn’t still destroy this world. Let every Christian man and woman decide on this matter and do everything to care for and keep moral purity on the inner and the outer being.

Translated by Bro. Elijah Abanto from the article “Moral Purity: May Malaking Bahagi ang Ating Pananamit Dito,” Baptist’s Digest 21 (Volume 1), June 1, 2008, p.5.



by Shaunti Feldhahn

I’m going to ask you to choose between two bad feelings,” the retreat speaker said. His gaze swept the divided room of 20-something singles, the men on one side, women on the other. “If you had to, would you rather feel alone and unloved in the world, or would you rather feel inadequate and disrespected?”

What kind of a choice is that? I remember thinking. Who would ever choose to feel unloved?

The speaker turned to the men’s side of the room. “Okay, men. Who here would rather feel alone and unloved?”

A sea of hands went up, and a giant hasp rippled across the women’s side of the room. I had just seen a truth demonstrated that many women have somehow totally missed: Most men would rather feel our respect than our love.

Since that day, I embarked on a mission to understand how men really think and feel. I interviewed over 1,000 men: close friends, strangers in the grocery store, married fathers at church, and the single student sitting next to me on an airplane. I talked to CEOs, attorneys, pastors, technology geeks, business managers, the security guard at Costco, and the guys behind the Starbucks counter. I even interviewed a professional opera singer and a former NFL offensive tackle with a Super Bowl ring.

I learned a lot from these men, and quite frankly, I was astonished by my findings more often than not. Probably the most important revelation was the fact that husbands need—desperately need—to be respected and built up by their wives. For a man, it’s respect, even more than love, that can turn a marriage into the delightful place of companionship that God intended.

How Can That Be?

Most of us women want above all to feel loved and cherished, and so we demonstrate the same to our men. In interviews, I’ve often heard husbands say, “I never doubt that my wife loves me.”

But I also heard many of those men continue, “However, I do doubt that she respects me.” The problem is that a perceived lack of respect is as devastating to them as it would be for us to doubt their love. In the professional national survey I conducted, the vast majority of men (three out of four) agreed they could do without love, but they could not do without respect.chem20love

I say “perceived” lack because while most of us do respect the men in our lives, we have often unwittingly sent the opposite signal. For example, when he makes a decision, we reflexively question it, or offer all the reasons why he might be wrong. Or we second-guess his way with the kids, believing our way is better. Or we publicly tell a “funny” story about his inability to fix the plumbing on the fifth try. Or we tell him how to drive and what lane to be in, and pressure him to stop and ask someone else for directions.

We often don’t see the implications of such behavior; we think we are just being helpful, or have a more fitting solution. But for the average guy, these actions are excruciatingly painful and say one thing loud and clear: “I don’t trust or respect you.”

That loud message is also unbiblical, as is our cultural idea that, while love is to have no conditions attached, respect must be earned. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:33:

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Many of us must unlearn years of unbiblical assumptions and habits as we learn to support our husbands in the way they truly need.

At this point, wives might be thinking, It’s all about him. What do I get out of this deal? God is the master of paradox, and just as Jesus’ unconditional love for us leads us to want to be worthy of it, our decision to unconditionally demonstrate respect to our husband leads him to want to earn it—and to adore us. A man who is honored and built up by his wife will become the husband God created him to be, one better equipped to shower his wife with the unconditional love she craves.

The 30-Day Challenge

For the next 30 days, don’t say anything negative about your husband, either to him or to anyone else; instead, think and say only those things that are worthy of appreciation.

While this challenge will not instantly fix every subtly disrespectful behavior, it will root out many quiet destructive habits and issues of the heart that we may never have recognized before. And as we respect our husbands the way they need to be respected, we will experience the joy of watching them become godly men who love us in return.

Taken from In Touch magazine, May 2005, pp. 14-15. Visit www.intouch.org or www.shaunti.com.

Take the 30-Day Challenge! Start doing a checklist everyday of whether you are living up to the challenge and share your experiences with us at cypapaper@live.com or comment at this article and sign it with your name. Begin now!