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This blog is an online ministry of Capitol Bible Baptist Church, Tanza, Cavite, Philippines. You can visit our church's website: www.capitolbiblebaptist.multiply.com.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who Can Only Be the Doers?

by Bishop Felizardo D. Abantopastor2

James 1:22--

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only…”

Only born-again Christians can be the doers of the Word of God. There is a person who said, “I’m not interested with the breed but with the deed.” But the Bible says that the deed depends upon the breed. The tree is known by its fruit (Matthew 7:7). If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and speaks like a duck, then it must be a duck. True Baptists live like the true Baptists. I like the name “Baptist” and I’m proud of this name. Baptists do good, look good, and feel good. They love Jesus Christ. They support His work. They may be far, but they are still concerned about this. I love them. Apostle Paul mentioned to the Philippian Christians (4:18),

“the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.”

If our ministry is separated from God and from the doers of the Word, it will die. We appreciate them enough and fast for them and pray to God that He will bless more abundantly.

Mr. Randy David, host of a television program said, “As a scientist of the society we are not interested in what religion you are in, but on what good you are causing to the society.” Wrong again. Your philosophy depends upon your theology. Out of Jesus Christ there is no one capable of imparting good to mankind. Like Israel at the time of the Divided Kingdom, of the 19 rulers, no one reigned rightly in the Northern Kingdom because all of them are worshipping gods. You may say you believe in God or not, but if you are not a true believer of Jesus Christ you cannot do anything good (Romans 3:12). That is the reason why they who profess that they are Christians ay commanded to doers of the Word and not just hearers. Their actions signify their words, and their breed.

Translated by Bro. Elijah Abanto from the article “Sino Lang ang Magiging Tagatupad?” originally published in Baptist’s Digest 18, (Volume 1) May 11, 2008, p. 4.

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