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This blog is an online ministry of Capitol Bible Baptist Church, Tanza, Cavite, Philippines. You can visit our church's website: www.capitolbiblebaptist.multiply.com.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Are We Worshiping?

by Bro. Elijah E. Abanto

Only this last December 2008, on the third anniversary of our church, we heard a veteran pastor preached about the importance of worship to God. Although this person was wrong in the application of this concept (his reasons to adopt the "praise and worship" style and speaking in tongues), his view about its importance and its lack in most of the Baptist churches is biblical and true.

And only in the past few weeks, a veteran missionary said that many of the Baptist churches are not really worshiping God because the songs we sing in the hymn are not for worship, but only testimonies and evangelistic songs.

And in these two it has not become clear what is the real meaning behind the word worship. And when I investigated, I saw that in general, we are wanting in this aspect.

Donald S. Whitney, a Baptist who authored the book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (NavPress), has shared his experience on his tenth birthday. His birthday must have been happy, because there was much food, and gifts; also, all his family and friends were there. But as they watched baseball in the Superbowl, all of them left him and he was now alone while watching. "It reminds me," he said in relation to the story, "of how we treat God in worship. Though we come to an event where He is the Guest of Honor, it is possible to give Him a routine gift, singing a few customary songs to him, and then totally neglect Him while we focus on others and enjoy the performance of those who are in front of us"(Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, p. 86). And yet, after it, is we think that we have done our obligation correctly to worship Him. But not really.

According to the Encarta® World English Dictionary, the word worship is derived from the Old English word weortscipe, or worthship, the means the "condition of worth" or importance. This agrees to the passages we could read from the Bible that narrates certain scenes of worship to God like Revelation 4:11; 5:12-13. Providing worthy regard on God-that's one meaning of worship.

In the Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, worship means "respect or reverence tp a divine person [as God]" (p. 1031). The respect or reverence "is a work not starting from the outside inwards, but from the inside out. Before you respond to your parents disrespectfully disrespect must be already in your heart first. Before you really and lovingly hug your spouse or child or friend there must be true love in your heart first. It's the same with God.

And from what we feel inside we cannot but respond and focus our attention towards Him. When you see the beautiful sunset, or the voices of birds, you can think of the greatness of the Creator and from your heart you will fall on your knees, or cry, or sing, or say thanks to Him. That the very meaning of worship: "to focus and respond to God" (Whitney, Spiritual disciplines, p. 87). Read these two passages from the Bible for examples of worship: John 20:28; Revelation 4:8. Notice also that in many cases those whom Jesus healed would "kneel down and worship before him."

From there we can say that what the missionary said was not true that we do not worship God if we don't sing "worship" songs. The application also of the veteran pastor is also wrong that we can only worship God if we do the "praise and worship" style. How about the dumb who can not even speak? How about the maimed and paralyzed who cannot jump or raise hands as do Pentecostals? Worship is more than singing a worship song or jump or raising hands that they are telling.

God's revelations of Himself to us bring us to worship God, which includes (1) the Creation (Romans 1:20); (2) His written Word, the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20 -21); and (3) the Living Word, Jesus Christ (John 1:1, 14; Hebrews 1:1-2).

Singing is not only the expression of worship. You may worship God even by just reading the Bible; listening to preaching; praying and listening to prayer; even following him and anything we in His name, may become worship. But more than these, worship is when we become preoccupied with God that we cannot think of other things. That's worship.

But, like I said, there are many in our church, and I think also in the majority of Baptist churches, who do not really worship God--notably the very workers. It does not mean that if you are the busiest in the worship service you are the one who worships God most. Often the opposite.

I saw this fact in our Bible school students. (Note that I'm not against the School; worship is a personal issue.) Note that most often the students who study in the Bible school are workers of the church. Every time we have devotion in the morning or at noon Chapel hour you will see the insincerity of the students--including me sometimes. You can see that they are dictating to the song leader or the leading student, making fun of or laughing at the message or testimony, the students are chatting, and not concerned about the order. The one I see to be the most sincere in what he does is this 1st year student who is only about six months in the Baptist church and he comes from the Pentecostal faith.

Returning to the church, you will see a mother looking around while the congregation prays; children chatting while the pastor preaches or the choir sings; children eating junk foods while the message is preached; people going up-and-down because they need to go to the "CR." The the workers were busy preventing a noise, taking the attendance, filling up the visitor's slip, and asking what is next in the "worship" program. They sing only when they remember to sing, read when they like to and close their eyes when they prefer to. Yes, they are not chatting, but they are not also thinking of the pastor's message. Their eyes are closed, but in fact what they will eat by lunch is what they are "praying." Many are also sleeping. They are singing, but not from the heart. They give, but only because of responsibility. They are active in the church, but they lives are not right before God. Brethren, that's not worship. It's shaming God. The Guest of Honor must have been wanting to leave because there's really no worship. Remember, worship is from the inside out.

We become like the Pharisees, to whom Jesus has said, "This people... honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. ... in vain do they worship me"(Matthew 15:8-9). It's called hypocrisy.

Worshiping God is worshiping Him "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). In spirit, or within, and in truth, or without. That's true worship. It's not necessary and we should not adopt music that does not in accordance to God to say you are worshiping. You need not jump at raise hands to say that you are worshiping. What is needed is our focus of attention and responding to who He is.

Are we worshiping? We know now what is true worship. Can we make it true this time?

A Manifesto of Issues and Concerns Among Bible Baptist Churches in the Philippine Islands

by Pastor Archie Alvarez
Bible Baptist Mission of Imus, Cavite
(PART 1)

In the recent past some Baptist churches in the Philippines started adopting odd practices and became open to modern type of worship. We cannot but raise our silence over some of the issues surrounding Baptist circles today not only in the Philippines but also on other parts of the world.

Article 1

Should Christian Churches Use Drums in Their Worship?

While it is true that drums are just like any other musical instruments available in the music world, we need to examine very extensively some precautions and truth about this controversial instrument as whether to use it or not to use it in a Christian worship.

It is never my intention to malign or degrade anybody who maybe "PRO" in this subject matter but to shed light and present facts of History and Biblical credence not based on logic and personal opinion or feelings. I suggest that we rule out any prejudice for a while and take into serious consideration the things that are about to be unveiled.


Since DRUMS, DANCE and WORSHIP are somewhat intertwined, we will have no recourse but to draw out Biblical and historical facts so as to establish the truth concerning the subject. Let me present you five FACTS.

The tambourine or timbrel (sometimes referred to as tabret) in the Bible is not the same "drum" instrument used in a Rock music and some Christian Churches Today who are adherents of "Drum Worship."

In desperation to prove that the same drums are used in worshipping God in the Bible, "Drum Worship" adherents quote several verses in the Bible--take a look on the following verses:

Psalm 81:2 - Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel (Toph), the pleasant harp with the psaltery.

Psalm 149:3 - Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

Exodus 15:20 - And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.

Psalm 68:25 - The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; among them were the damsels playing with timbrels.

1 Samuel 18:6 - And it came to pass as they came, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that the women came out of all cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet king Saul, with tabrets (Toph), with joy, and with instruments of musick.

After quoting such verses they would proceed on explaining that the Hebrew word "toph" simply means drum, but that is half-truth and I believe it is explained in that manner to prove their stand about the drum being used in worship. But let us dig deeper.

Tabret is an ancient percussion instrument which no longer exists as such. The earliest mention of it (Genesis 31:27 KJV) dates back to about 1740 BC--that's over 3700 years ago. The root word for tabret is tabor, which describes a small frame drum with one head. The word tabor is also used to describe the same frame used for embroidery, with two hoops used to keep the material taut. While the timbrel has small bells, rings, or metal discs attached to the frame to make a jingling noise, most sources agree that the tabret did not have these. As a drum, the tabret whould have been played by beating with a small drumstick, o by tapping with the hand. It is often accompanied by a pipe.

In ancient times, it appears that the tabret was used by the Israelites, though perhaps not in the Temple worship itself. (1 Chronicles 5:12; Gen. 31:27; 1 Sam. 10:5; Job 17:6; Isaiah 5:12)

The timbrel, on the other hand, is a percussion instrument which does have bells, rings, or metal discs attached to make a jingling noise when shaken or tapped with the hand. From the Hebrew root word toph, the timbrel first appears in Exodus 15 (about 1490 BC), confirming that it, too, dates back to very ancient times. Some ancient timbrels appear to have a single drum head, like the tabret, and some appear as a frame only. In either case, including jingles and streamers makes it a timbrel.

The timbrel was used for a variety of different reasons including: praise, joy, gladness, triumph or victory, singing, warfare, celebrations, processionals and welcoming. It was definitely an instrument of praise and warfare, often leading armies into battle. It was played in a multitude of different places: in the home, on the battlefield, at feasts and celebrations. (see also Job 21:12; Isaiah 30:32)

Tambourine is the modern term for timbrel ('Toph') and is sometimes referred to also as tabret (1 Samuel 18:6).

I have provided a picture below:

Now does this timbrel (toph or call it a drum) looks and is used the same way as of the drums below?

or maybe this...
Of course the obvious answer is NO.

The DRUM has always been associated with paganism and the devil.

1. In Africa, drums are used in demonic rituals such as "Voodoo."
The drum beats in rock music are the same beats we can find in the rites and rituals of the African tribes. Example of this is the African colony of slaves brought to Haiti that came from the tribes of Senegalese, Bambaras, Arades, Congos, Kangas, Fons and Fulas (they were taken from the coast of West Africa in the 15th century). Their ceremonies centered upon worship of the sanke god Damballa through singing, dancing, and spirit possession. Those ancient chants and tribal stomps evoke the evil spirit, the ultimate experience was to have their bodies possessed by that demon.
It is the drum beat which fuses a number of individuals into a single body, making them move as one, as if all of these singular bodies had become linked on the thread of a single beat of pulse--sending the body into a slow, twisting wave which begins at the shoulders, then the spine, hips, and legs.
The same thing happens in a modern rock concert. The actions you would see on the audience will give us the impression that some sort of possession has occurred. The nonstop, polyrhythms pounded out on cylindrical drums in a voodoo ritual is the catalyst of rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and today's heavy metal.
The drum beat keeps up a remarkable thump which very easily takes possession of the sensibilities of the worshippers. Observers say that these drums themselves are able to bring a person to a place where it is easy for the deity (Ioa) to take possession of their bodies--the defenseless person is buffeted by each stroke as the drummer sets out to beat the Ioa (god) into his head: The person cringes with each accented beat as if the drum mallet descended upon his very skull; he ricochets about the place, clutching blindly at the arms extended to support him.
2. Drums are associated with "Shamanism."
Shamanism is a primitive religion of the Ural Altaic peoples of Northern Asia, based on a belief in controlling spirits who can only be influenced by a "shaman" (a priest with magical powers over diseases or evil spirits-World Book Dictionary)
In Siberia, drums are used in shamanic rituals to heal people. It is believed that the shaman can communicate witht the spirit world THROUGH DRUMMING. (Louise Tythacott, Musical Instruments, Thomas Learning:1995, p. 37)
"The shaman was draped in leather, dancing possessed to a rhythm banged out in a DRUM... To these people, communication with the gods was synonymous with DRUMS... the body can become the conduit for a deity, a deity not necessarily the same sex as the worshiper, and DRUMS are the catalyst for the whole process. The trance of the RHYTHM then begets the hysteria, which begets that Westerners simplistically call 'possession'" (Danny Sugerman, Appetite for Destruction, pp. 181, 208).
David Tame writes in The Secret Power of Music, page 199:
"Today's drummer differs but little from the shaman in his incessant beating out of a rhythm, and likewise often enters into a form of trance while performing." (to be continued)


Stages of Porn Addiction

by Gene McConnell and Keith Campbell

Not everyone who sees porn will become addicted to it. Some will just come away with toxic ideas about women, sex, marriage and children. That kind of damage is bad enough. And porn isn't the only ingredient in addiction. Usually, those who become addicted have some kind of emotional opening that allows the addiction to really take root.

Some of you reading this will become addicted, like I was. The porn companies don't mind at all if you become completely addicted to their product. It's great for business. An addicted customer keeps coming back for more. And so they fill their porn with images that will excite you, arouse you and get the hormones flowing. You don't have to shoot up any drug with a needle to get addicted to porn — your body will make its own drugs just by looking at the pictures. Dr. Victor Cline says that sex and pornography can be a more difficult addiction to break than cocaine.

Five stages of addiction

Early exposure. Most guys who get addicted to porn start early. They see the stuff when they are very young, and it gets its foot in the door.

Addiction. Later comes addiction. You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part of your life. You're hooked. You can't quit.

Escalation. After a while, escalation begins. You start to look for more and more graphic porn. You start using porn that would have disgusted you when you started. Now it excites you.

Desensitization. Eventually, you start to become numb. Even the most graphic, degrading porn doesn't excite you anymore. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again but can't find it.

Acting out sexually. At this point, many men make a dangerous jump and start acting out sexually. They move from the paper and plastic images of porn to the real world.

When I personally got to the "acting out phase," I started fantasizing about what it would be like to actually rape a woman. I finally tried it one night when I saw a woman who "fit" the scenario that porn had taught me to look for. I was lucky. Very lucky. I didn't go through with it. After being reported, arrested and spending some time in jail, I finally was able to begin the process of weeding out the lies in my life that porn had put there.

Other men aren't so lucky. I realize now that with just a little push, I could have gone over the edge. I could have raped that woman and then killed her to cover my tracks. That's how Ted Bundy got started. When the porn he was addicted to wasn't enough anymore, he tried the real thing — rape, and then murder. When he succeeded, he did it again. And again. Pornography addiction is very serious.

Are you addicted?

Some of you reading this may have already developed an addiction to porn. If you see any of the patterns I've described above in your life, you need to put the brakes on right now. Is porn beginning to control your life? You can't put it down — you keep going back for more? Perhaps you find yourself needing to see increasingly graphic pornography. You're masturbating more and more often. You're starting to take risks or act out physically for sexual thrills. If you see yourself at any point on this progression, you are in serious trouble, and you need to realize it — and get help.

Excerpted from the Dare to Dig Deeper booklet "Toxic Porn", by Gene McConnell and Keith Campbell. Copyright ©1996 Focus on the Family. From TroubledWith.com.