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Welcome to the Baptist's Digest Journal Online. You will still read the same articles that will challenge, motivate, inspire and inform you in the Christian Life and Doctrine.May God use this blog to whatever purpose to decides to for your life.

This blog is an online ministry of Capitol Bible Baptist Church, Tanza, Cavite, Philippines. You can visit our church's website: www.capitolbiblebaptist.multiply.com.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We Are Honored

By Ruth Bell Graham

             On Feb. 11,1973, then-Captain Jeremiah Denton returned home after years of captivity as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. He made his way down the steps of the plane, stopped in front of a microphone and said,"We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances."
            I wonder if this is how the believer will feel when he stands one day before God?
            God entrusts to some of His servants--without explanation--the most difficult circumstances. Just look at Job, Joseph, Daniel and the early martyrs.
            A young man released from an oppressive, atheistic regime was asked," What was it like, being persecuted for your faith?"
            We thought it was the normal Christian life," was the surprising, yet candid reply.
            He was right. It is Christians on the West who are living abnormally. Personally, I am grateful for the "abnormality".But if it doesn't last, we must not question, the complain or become bitter. Instead, let us accept each day as the Lord sends it, living obediently and faithfully, and not fearing what may come. We know that the glory ahead will obliterate the grim past.

Taken from Decision Magazine, September 2004. BGEA. All rights reserved. 

The Editor This Present Darkness

            This past few days, I read a novel entitled This Present Darkness, written by Frank Peretti--in fact, I'm still reading it until now. Though I know the author's background (he is an Assemblies of God pastor), and I'm aware of its errors, I'm still blessed by the story.I became aware of what Ephesians 6:12 is saying,"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Here, I fully pictured how sore is the fight occurring in the spiritual realm, between Satan's angels and God's angels, for men's souls. We sin, because we let the devil deceive us, and we are protected by God's angels--and by God Himself, because and if we pray. I experienced it for myself, that when you pray, truly, no more, no less,you will not lose God's protection and guidance.
           Let us realize this. If Satan's underlings did their work before, don't they do more effort now? Now enough with five-minute prayer, non-sense fasting, sins and neglecting God. Let us keep in mind that we are in the midst of darkness, and that we are the light of the world.
           Will you now let your light shine in this Present Darkness?(Matthew 5:16)