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Welcome to the Baptist's Digest Journal Online. You will still read the same articles that will challenge, motivate, inspire and inform you in the Christian Life and Doctrine.May God use this blog to whatever purpose to decides to for your life.

This blog is an online ministry of Capitol Bible Baptist Church, Tanza, Cavite, Philippines. You can visit our church's website: www.capitolbiblebaptist.multiply.com.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Editor The Importance of Rest

            This week of our finals on Bible School, after that, Micah and I went home. I'm already tired, because of all I did on Bible School. On the bus, Instead of sleeping , I watched the movie because I know it's a good one. We're already on the half of the trip when it ended, but still I did not sleep-- I observed the surroundings. Until we reached Trece, and got off the bus. I thought about what Mommy said that she will be the one to print the publications so I can rest, but instead I told Micah to go home,thinking, "It's almost vacation,--I'll just do it again." It was just fine, but when I left and rode on a jeepney, rain suddenly fell.. Until I got off the jeepney light rains are still falling. I have no umbrella so I just walked hurriedly. Good thing, I  reached home in good condition. I still have enough time to rest, but instead, I chatted with Ate Abigail.--and it was fun. After that, I prepared my preaching for the prayer meeting that night, and it was fine. The prayer meeting went well and I have taught well. Maybe it was about 10:30 when I slept.
            The next day, I couldn't get up. My head ached, and it seems that I would catch asthma. And so it happened. I couldn't  help but rest all day, save a little time for reading.
            Saturday, I forced myself to have Good News classes, but about 10 that morning, I fell very ill again. When I got home, I couldn't almost attend the choir practice. Then I realized--I must rest. We also need to rest?! Yes, my brethren. Even God created a Sabbath Day-- why can't we, right? Because, whether you like it, or not, He will let you rest--to prepare you for a  greater Work.

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