Being a "Partner for Life" is a big committment. It means to set yourself to a life-long companionship with an individual or a particular group. Is it reallly understood by each one who mare making these promise?
A man and a woman claiming to be in love gave this kind of promise to each other. Not thinking of the problems and hardships they may face, as said by their parents, made their promise to each other.
But even though the very experiences of the persons closest to me, I have proven that it is really easy to make a promise but it is really hard to keep it.
I have noticed a number of reasons based on experiences I have come through in this life. Willing to experience the instant happiness but not giving enough time to understand what responsibility they will enter to, this promise fails to be kept.
The thought that the burst of burning emotion will not ever change is also a reason why this promise doesn't last.
The deep meaning of this promise is not understood that this is not a promise to individuals or any group but most of all it is a promise to God. It is really sad to admit that most of those that make this promise have no strong stance to keep it. Much more when it is proven to be really hard, that this to whom I made a promise is not worthy, or those around me doesn't agree nor help to fulfill it. As I have said, this is a promise, most of all, to God.
According to James 5:12 "let your yea be yea, and your nay, nay," and in Numbers 30:2, do not make a promise you can't keep, because God will not tolerate your failure to keep it. That's why I can say that and understand that this really is a heavy decision.

This serves as God's reminder to me regarding to this aspect of my life. By grace, mercy and strength of the Lord that He continually gives, I will continue loving Him and following His commands. I will fear and will avoid neglecting the promises and committments of partnership with every individual and group. We can do it by the Lord's grace. Let's recommit ourselves while there is life.
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